Digimon Adventure: backdrop
Digimon Adventure: logo
Digimon Adventure: poster
Digimon Adventure:
It's the year 2020. The Network has become something humans can no longer do without in their daily lives. But what humans don't know is that on the other side of the Network is the Digital World, a realm of light and darkness. Nor are they aware of the Digimon who live there. Fifth grader Taichi Yagami]s mother and little sister Hikari went to Shibuya, and now they're aboard a runaway train. Taichi hurries to Shibuya to save his mother and sister, but the instant he heads toward the station platform... a strange phenomenon befalls the DigiDestined, and Taichi goes to the Digital World!

Yuko Sanpei poster
Yuko Sanpei
Taichi Yagami (voice)
Chika Sakamoto poster
Chika Sakamoto
Agumon (voice)
Daisuke Namikawa poster
Daisuke Namikawa
Yamato Ishida (voice)
Ryoko Shiraishi poster
Ryoko Shiraishi
Sora Takenouchi (voice)
Yumiko Kobayashi poster
Yumiko Kobayashi
Kōshirō Izumi (voice)
Marika Kouno poster
Marika Kouno
Mimi Tachikawa (voice)
Takeshi Kusao poster
Takeshi Kusao
Joe Kido (voice)
Misaki Watada poster
Misaki Watada
Hikari Yagami (voice)
Mayumi Yamaguchi poster
Mayumi Yamaguchi
Gabumon (voice)
Atori Shigematsu poster
Atori Shigematsu
Piyomon (voice)
Takahiro Sakurai poster
Takahiro Sakurai
Tentomon (voice)
Kinoko Yamada poster
Kinoko Yamada
Palmon (voice)
Junko Takeuchi poster
Junko Takeuchi
Gomamon (voice)
Mie Sonozaki poster
Mie Sonozaki
Gatomon (voice)
Masako Nozawa poster
Masako Nozawa
Narrator (voice)
Miwa Matsumoto poster
Miwa Matsumoto
Patamon (voice)

