Gunslinger Stratos: The Animation backdrop
Gunslinger Stratos: The Animation poster
Gunslinger Stratos: The Animation
A.D. 2115—the island nation once called Japan is now known as the "17th Far East Imperial City Management District." The citizens were promised a life of peace in exchange for some of the comfort they were used to having. People believed their lives would never change and tomorrow will be the same as today. No one suspected the impending doom which their society was about to face. "Degradation"—a rare disease which led to the total disintegration of the human body to a mere pile of sand was slowly but surely spreading throughout the world. Tohru Kazasumi, an ordinary student becomes embroiled in a multi universal battle between his world and the parallel world of "Frontier S (Stratos)." This meant that Tohru must fight himself from an alternate world. Their futures collide as their paths cross. Will both worlds ever find peace?

Atsushi Abe poster
Atsushi Abe
风澄彻 (voice)
Hisako Kanemoto poster
Hisako Kanemoto
片桐镜华 (voice)
Masakazu Nishida poster
Masakazu Nishida
片桐镜磨 (voice)
Miyuki Sawashiro poster
Miyuki Sawashiro
雷米·奥德纳 (voice)
Kana Ueda poster
Kana Ueda
龙胆静音 (voice)
Soichiro Hoshi poster
Soichiro Hoshi
草阴稜 (voice)
Rikiya Koyama poster
Rikiya Koyama
罗汉堂旭 (voice)
Sayaka Ohara poster
Sayaka Ohara
奥尔加·珍宁 (voice)
Takehito Koyasu poster
Takehito Koyasu
亚伦·伯勒斯 (voice)
Yumiko Kobayashi poster
Yumiko Kobayashi
乔纳森·西斯摩尔 (voice)
Saki Fujita poster
Saki Fujita
ξ988 (voice)
Yosuke Akimoto poster
Yosuke Akimoto
真加部主水 (voice)
Saori Hayami poster
Saori Hayami
露莎 (voice)
Mariya Ise poster
Mariya Ise
筱生茉莉 (voice)
Toru Okawa poster
Toru Okawa
斯里尼瓦瑟·森 (voice)
Nana Mizuki poster
Nana Mizuki
水潟九美 (voice)
Akane Fujita poster
Akane Fujita
MIKI (voice)

