Mobile Suit Gundam backdrop
Mobile Suit Gundam logo
Mobile Suit Gundam poster
Mobile Suit Gundam
What would you do if you suddenly found yourself in the middle of a war? Teenager Amuro Ray sees his life shattered when war comes to his home. During the chaos, Amuro finds himself inside the mobile suit Gundam, the Earth Federation's new secret weapon, and he somehow gets it to work. Amuro and the other refugees flee their homeland on the warship White Base. This group of children and inexperienced soldiers will change the outcome of the war.

Toru Furuya poster
Toru Furuya
Amuro Ray (voice)
Shuichi Ikeda poster
Shuichi Ikeda
Char Aznable (voice)
Hirotaka Suzuoki poster
Hirotaka Suzuoki
Bright Noa (voice)
Fuyumi Shiraishi poster
Fuyumi Shiraishi
Mirai Yashima (voice)
Kiyonobu Suzuki poster
Kiyonobu Suzuki
Hayato Kobayashi (voice)
Toshio Furukawa poster
Toshio Furukawa
Kai Shiden (voice)
Rumiko Ukai poster
Rumiko Ukai
Frau Bow (voice)
Yō Inoue poster
Yō Inoue
Sayla Mass (voice)
Shozo Iizuka poster
Shozo Iizuka
Ryu Jose (voice)
Keiko Han poster
Keiko Han
Lalah Sune (voice)
Banjo Ginga poster
Banjo Ginga
Gihren Zabi (voice)
Mami Koyama poster
Mami Koyama
Kycilia Zabi (voice)
Daisuke Gori poster
Daisuke Gori
Dozle Zabi (voice)
Katsuji Mori poster
Katsuji Mori
Garma Zabi (voice)
Ichiro Nagai poster
Ichiro Nagai
Degwin Sodo Zabi (voice)
Masashi Hirose poster
Masashi Hirose
Ramba Ral (voice)
Keiko Toda poster
Keiko Toda
Matilda Ajan (voice)
Kaneto Shiozawa poster
Kaneto Shiozawa
M'Quve (voice)
Sanae Takagi poster
Sanae Takagi
Chiyo (voice)
Yumi Nakatani poster
Yumi Nakatani
Hamon Crowley (voice)

