The Duel Club backdrop
The Duel Club logo
The Duel Club poster
The Duel Club
Returning Series
Egor Melenin, known to his friends as Mel, lives in a small seaside town and is graduating from high school this spring. Mel cannot stand the routine and the tedium of his life much longer, and with his loyal friends Kisa and Hank, they start to look for excitement in their small seaside town that offers little to nothing for them. This all changes when a famous film director comes to town to shoot a commercial. Things take a turn when the director seduces Angela, an underage girl who Mel is in love with. Enraged, Mel challenges the director to a duel with a pair of antique pistols he and his friends had recently found. In this duel the Director is killed, but rather than revulsion, the group of teenagers find the thrill of the duel and the risk of death to be the antidote to their mundane lives. And so, ‘The Black Spring’ dueling club is formed – and with it the series asks, what will these teenagers be prepared to look down the barrel of a gun for?

Gleb Kalyuzhny poster
Gleb Kalyuzhny
Егор «Мел» Меленин
Artem Koshman poster
Artem Koshman
Иван «Киса» Кислов
Valentin Antsiferov poster
Valentin Antsiferov
Борис «Хэнк» Хенкин
Nikita Kologrivyy poster
Nikita Kologrivyy
Гена Зуев
Anastasiya Krasovskaya poster
Anastasiya Krasovskaya
Анжела Бабич
Olga Tsirsen poster
Olga Tsirsen
Кристина Бабич, мать Анжелы
Oleg Chugunov poster
Oleg Chugunov
Илья «Слепой» Кудинов
Sergey Gilev poster
Sergey Gilev
Станислав Кудинов
Anatoliy Belyy poster
Anatoliy Belyy
Константин Анатольевич Хенкин
Anna Popova poster
Anna Popova
Катерина Кудинова
Sofya Doniants poster
Sofya Doniants
Nikolay Fomenko poster
Nikolay Fomenko
Артём Бабич, отец Анжелы
Daniil Vorobyov poster
Daniil Vorobyov
Владислав Меленин
Varvara Volodina poster
Varvara Volodina
Наташа Баранова
Aleksandr Yatsenko poster
Aleksandr Yatsenko
Александр Баранов (дядя Саша «Проповедник»)
Evgeny Koryakovsky poster
Evgeny Koryakovsky
Artyom Tkachenko poster
Artyom Tkachenko
Роман Сенин
Ivan Mulin poster
Ivan Mulin
Игорь Наумов
Ulyana Chzhan poster
Ulyana Chzhan
Yuri Torsuyev poster
Yuri Torsuyev
Николай Юрьевич Зуев

