Yu-Gi-Oh! GX backdrop
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX poster
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Ten years after the Ceremonial Battle, a teenage boy named Yuuki Judai heads off in order to join the Duelist Yousei School located on a remote island off the coast of Japan. There he meets his fellow students and gains a few friends, along with a few enemies. Judai is put into the lowest rank of Osiris Red, but he continues to test his skills against the students and faculty to prove his worth as a Yousei Duelist and earn the respect of everyone around him.

KENN poster
Judai Yuki / Jaden Yuki (voice)
Masami Suzuki poster
Masami Suzuki
Sho Marufuji / Syrus Truesdale (voice)
Kappei Yamaguchi poster
Kappei Yamaguchi
Professor Daitokuji / Lyman Banner (voice)
Sanae Kobayashi poster
Sanae Kobayashi
Asuka Tenjouin / Alexis Rhodes (voice)
Taiki Matsuno poster
Taiki Matsuno
Jun Manjoume / Chazz Princeton (voice)
Takeshi Maeda poster
Takeshi Maeda
Ryo Marufuji / Zane Truesdale (voice)
Kanako Irie poster
Kanako Irie
Johan Andersen / Jesse Anderson (voice)
Koji Yusa poster
Koji Yusa
Fubuki Tenjouin / Atticus Rhodes (voice)
Naru Kawamoto poster
Naru Kawamoto
Austin O'Brien / Axel Brodie (voice)
Naoya Iwahashi poster
Naoya Iwahashi
Jim "Crocodile" Cook (voice)
Yuuki Masuda poster
Yuuki Masuda
Daichi Misawa / Bastion Misawa (voice)
Hiroshi Shimizu poster
Hiroshi Shimizu
Cronos de Medici / Vellian Crowler (voice)
Hiroshi Shimozaki poster
Hiroshi Shimozaki
Tyranno Kenzan / Tyranno Hassleberry (voice)
Takehiro Hasu poster
Takehiro Hasu
Hayato Maeda / Chumley Huffington (voice)
Eri Sendai poster
Eri Sendai
Rei Saotome / Blair Flannigan (voice)
Takehito Koyasu poster
Takehito Koyasu
Takuma Saiou / Sartorius Saiou (voice)
Chieko Higuchi poster
Chieko Higuchi
Kohara / Beauregard (voice)
Hiromi Tsuru poster
Hiromi Tsuru
Yubel (voice)

