This adaptation of the Nutcracker story (by Tchaikovsky and original choreography by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov) is updated in this stop-motion animation from the original Japanese release of 1979. The new 3-D rendering is complemented by the art direction of Sebastian Masuda who is responsible for much of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's style. She also provides music here.
Kasumi Arimura
Clara (voice)
Tori Matsuzaka
Fritz / Franz (voice)
Takashi Fujii
Prince (voice)
Takuro Ohno
Fortune-teller (voice)
Kotaro Yoshida
King (voice)
Aran Kei
Minister (voice)
Ryoko Hirosue
Mauselinks (voice)
Masachika Ichimura
Uncle / Street singer / Puppeteer / Watchmaker (voice)