The Hollywood Strangler Meets the Skid Row Slasher backdrop
The Hollywood Strangler Meets the Skid Row Slasher logo
The Hollywood Strangler Meets the Skid Row Slasher poster
The Hollywood Strangler Meets the Skid Row Slasher
1h 12m
A photographer cruises Hollywood and takes pictures of young models he then strangles. Meanwhile, a woman who works in a porno bookstore in downtown L.A. takes it upon herself to kill off the local derelicts. Soon the two killers meet up with each other.

Pierre Agostino poster
Pierre Agostino
Johnathan Click (The Hollywood Strangler)
Carolyn Brandt poster
Carolyn Brandt
The Skid Row Slasher
Chuck Alford poster
Chuck Alford
Slasher Victim #1
Jim Parker poster
Jim Parker
Slasher Victim #2
Forest Duke poster
Forest Duke
Slasher Victim #3
John Leeman poster
John Leeman
Slasher Victim #4
Lori Morris poster
Lori Morris
Strangler Victim #1
Snowy Sinclair poster
Snowy Sinclair
Strangler Victim #2
Bonnie Smith poster
Bonnie Smith
Strangler Victim #3
Joanne Hiatt poster
Joanne Hiatt
Strangler Victim #4
Jean Roberts poster
Jean Roberts
Strangler Victim #5
Denise Alford poster
Denise Alford
Strangler Victim #6
