Tokyo Nameless Girl's Story backdrop
Tokyo Nameless Girl's Story poster
Tokyo Nameless Girl's Story
1h 37m
University student Nozomi tries to get a job. Back in her hometown, she was lazy, but now Nozomi is used to the quicker pace of Tokyo. Nozomi is also experiencing problems with her boyfriend Kameyama, who seems to be travelling at a different speed in life and work. Meanwhile, Saeko works very hard in the advertising field and she is faithful to her boyfriend Tomoya. Yet, on their first year anniversary, Saeko hear's woman's voice on Tomoya's cellphone. Based on the anthology manga of the same name.

Mitsuki Tanimura poster
Mitsuki Tanimura
Nozomi Sakashita
Megumi Yanagi poster
Megumi Yanagi
Saeko Mamiya
Shuri poster
Kaori Odate
Chinami Suzuki poster
Chinami Suzuki
Miho Suzuki
Natsuki Kunimoto poster
Natsuki Kunimoto
Shizuyo Kino
Kensuke Owada poster
Kensuke Owada
Sota Kameyama
Motoki Ochiai poster
Motoki Ochiai
Munenori Hayase
Naoki Kawano poster
Naoki Kawano
Tomoya Funabashi
Asana Mamoru poster
Asana Mamoru
