Home backdrop
Home poster
1h 15m
She watches him through the window as he loads the final pieces of furniture into the truck. They are counting down the last hours in their home. Their seven-month-old baby is asleep, unaware of the trouble brewing. They will either vacate the apartment peacefully, or they will be forcefully evicted. Their home, her father's legacy, used to be their safe haven, their family nest. Now, corrupt courts, greedy bankers, and unscrupulous real estate investors have turned it into a site of their worst nightmares. As tension rise, they struggle to preserve their relationship. In the morning, as police knocks on their door, their future seems uncertain, but their options are very clear: either accept injustice or show resistance.

Judita Franković poster
Judita Franković
Mislav Čavajda poster
Mislav Čavajda
Katarina Baban poster
Katarina Baban
Nikša Butijer poster
Nikša Butijer
Alen Liverić poster
Alen Liverić
Sara Moser poster
Sara Moser
Daniel Radečić poster
Daniel Radečić
Filip Vidović poster
Filip Vidović
