Return My Heart backdrop
Return My Heart poster
Return My Heart
2h 30m
In Egypt forties and before the 14th of July revolution in 1952, a poor family lives in a prince's palace where the father works as a gardener. The family has two children Ali and Hassan. Ali grows up liking the prince's daughter who loves him too. Now grown ups, they realize how impossible this love story is. Joining the army, Ali fights in Palestine while the brother joins the police and is part of the King's guards. Ali gets back from Palestine and joins the secret military movement that will soon rule Egypt, The Free Officers. The revolution starts and the Free Officers are now in charge, putting Ali against his brother as a guard for the king and also against his lover, the prince's daughter as the revolution will confiscate all her family's wealth.

Shoukry Sarhan poster
Shoukry Sarhan
Mariam Fakhr Eddine poster
Mariam Fakhr Eddine
الأميرة إنجي
Salah Zulfikar poster
Salah Zulfikar
Hussein Reyaad poster
Hussein Reyaad
الريس عبدالواحد الجنايني
Ahmed Mazhar poster
Ahmed Mazhar
الأمير علاء
Hind Rostom poster
Hind Rostom
الراقصة كريمة
Rushdy Abaza poster
Rushdy Abaza
Ferdoos Mohamed poster
Ferdoos Mohamed
أم حسين
Zahrat El-Ola poster
Zahrat El-Ola
Kamal Yasseen poster
Kamal Yasseen
Adly Kasseb poster
Adly Kasseb
Thuraya Fakhry poster
Thuraya Fakhry
Doha Amir poster
Doha Amir
إنجي (صغيرة)
Ahmed Allam poster
Ahmed Allam
الأمير إسماعيل كمال
Fakher Fakher poster
Fakher Fakher
Eskandar Mansy poster
Eskandar Mansy
إبراهيم أفندي
Abdel Moneim Basyouni poster
Abdel Moneim Basyouni
Ali Eissa poster
Ali Eissa
علي (صغيراً)
Nabil Al Ashri poster
Nabil Al Ashri
حسين (صغيراً)
Gomaa Edriss poster
Gomaa Edriss
