Gundam Wing: The Endless Waltz backdrop
Gundam Wing: The Endless Waltz poster
Gundam Wing: The Endless Waltz
1h 30m
After Colony (A.C.) 196. One year after the events of the "Gundam Wing" television series, peace has spread through the Earth Sphere and the colonies. The Gundam pilots now find themselves attempting to rebuild their lives in this new era. No longer having need of their weapons of war, they have sent their Gundams into the sun to be destroyed. But suddenly, Relena Darlian, who has become a high-ranking government official, is kidnapped by a colony with aspirations of total dominance. The Gundam pilots and their allies find themselves called into action once again. The Endless Waltz has resumed...

Hikaru Midorikawa poster
Hikaru Midorikawa
Heero Yuy (voice)
Toshihiko Seki poster
Toshihiko Seki
Duo Maxwell (voice)
Shigeru Nakahara poster
Shigeru Nakahara
Trowa Barton (voice)
Ai Orikasa poster
Ai Orikasa
Quatre Rabarba Winner (voice)
Ryuzou Ishino poster
Ryuzou Ishino
Chang Wu Fei (voice)
Akiko Yajima poster
Akiko Yajima
Relena Peacecraft (voice)
Toshiyuki Morikawa poster
Toshiyuki Morikawa
Abdul (voice)
Daiki Nakamura poster
Daiki Nakamura
Auda (voice)
Saori Sugimoto poster
Saori Sugimoto
Catherine Bloom (voice)
Eisuke Yoda poster
Eisuke Yoda
Dekim Barton (voice)
Minoru Inaba poster
Minoru Inaba
Doctor J (voice)
Shinya Ôtaki poster
Shinya Ôtaki
Doktor S (voice)
Rei Sakuma poster
Rei Sakuma
Marimeia Barton Khushrenada (voice)
Naoko Matsui poster
Naoko Matsui
Dorothy Catalonia (voice)
Isshin Chiba poster
Isshin Chiba
Akhmad (voice)
