Explosion! backdrop
Explosion! poster
1h 24m
"Around the time he made such remarkably ambivalent war films as Mud and Soldiers and Five Scouts, Tasaka directed this 'home front' comedy-drama which is too bizarre to be serious propaganda. [The plot revolves around a public contribution campaign to buy airplanes.] The mayor's aviator son promises to fly over the village in salute, and much of the narrative concerns the preparations for this great event. Tasaka throws in a few songs, some village humor and satire, and tremendous camera mobility, finally wringing every possible effect from his climax." John Gillett, British Film Institute

Ryo Akaboshi poster
Ryo Akaboshi
Noboru Asahi poster
Noboru Asahi
Yûji Azuma poster
Yûji Azuma
Donguriboya poster
Masako Fujimura poster
Masako Fujimura
Haehiko Fuyuki poster
Haehiko Fuyuki
Akira Hiki poster
Akira Hiki
Toshimasa Inoue poster
Toshimasa Inoue
Tenkai Ira poster
Tenkai Ira
Seiji Izumi poster
Seiji Izumi
Akihiko Katayama poster
Akihiko Katayama
Ryôichi Kikuchi poster
Ryôichi Kikuchi
Sadako Kojima poster
Sadako Kojima
Bonsaku Kosugi poster
Bonsaku Kosugi
Isamu Kosugi poster
Isamu Kosugi
Junko Matsukata poster
Junko Matsukata
Shosaburo Murata poster
Shosaburo Murata
Yukiko Todoroki poster
Yukiko Todoroki
Kazuko Yoshida poster
Kazuko Yoshida
Kanzo Yoshii poster
Kanzo Yoshii
